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Atlantic Infrastructure

Management Network

presents ...

This course will assist you in creating an asset management policy that supports your infrastructure choices and helps reduce the politics involved in decision making. You will also develop a short-term roadmap of achievable and measurable steps to build your organization’s asset management capabilities whether you are just starting out or have done some work and are having difficulty moving forward.


After finishing the course you will have a policy that defines a transparent and accountable process for prioritizing infrastructure investment, terms of reference for your asset management team and a two‑year action list to continue building your asset management program.


You will receive one login for each municipality, but we encourage you to do the work with your asset management team. There is no limit to the number of participants per municipality!




Registration Open Now

What you can expect:


Bulid an asset management policy to guide your decision making


Learn how to engage council with policy driven decisions


Use policy principles to guide difficult asset decisions


Make a solid, acheivable plan for building your asset management program, whether you are just starting or looking to kick start your program


Learn how to monitor your activities and get past roadblocks 

Presenter: Matt Delorme, P.Eng.

AIM Network Executive Director

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$250 ( + HST )

For more information contact:

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Workshop Course 1: Policy And Roadmap

Know which way your are going before you start to run!

This initiative is delivered through the Municipal Asset Management Program, which is delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and funded by the Government of Canada.

AIM Network events provide opportunities for knowledge sharing and collaboration among municipal staff, elected officials and others who wish to improve asset management planning and practices for municipalities in Atlantic Canada.

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