Atlantic Infrastructure
Management Network
Supporting municipal asset management planning in Atlantic Canada
Atlantic Infrastructure
Management Network
presents ...
Join us for an Atlantic-wide expedition exploring leadership excellence in asset management. This offsite adventure in optimal governance is designed to be an entertaining, unique, and intellectually stimulating experience that leaves leaders in a greater state of focus, clarity, purpose, and restoration.
What you can expect:
Trek through the roles and responsibilities of a high-performing team
Expose the pitfalls that keep your team from rowing in the same direction
Bravely explore the stories distracting you back from your optimal state
Open your mind. Connect with your peers. Invigorate your role.
Most of all, reignite and cultivate your sense of fun. Call in your JOY in governing!

Sept. 1st
@ 7 P.M.
Sept. 3rd
@ noon
Inverary Resort,
Baddeck, Nova Scotia
Leadership Excellence in Asset Management