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Atlantic Infrastructure
Management Network

presents ...

To build a more collaborative and regional approach to climate action, AIM Network is working with Municipalities across all four Atlantic provinces to organize five regional Climate events. Our goal is to encourage participating Municipalities, local organizations and the public to work together to better respond to the climate emergency and its effects in our areas, as well as to encourage people to get involved in the communities they live in. If changing climate is on your mind, come join us in leading the charge for change in Atlantic Canada! 


Climate Action Across Atlantic Canada

Meeting the challenges of the 21st Century

Climate Summits

Wednesday, February 21, 2024
7:00 pm to
8:30 pm

Prince Edward Island

Climate Adaptation Public Engagement Session

Gros Morne Climate Roadshow, NFLD

May 16, 2023: 6-8pm Woody Point Community Centre
May 17, 2023: 6-8pm Rocky Harbour Community Hall
May 18, 2023: 6-8pm St. Paul's Town/Community Hall

Click here if you would like information about the sessions

Pictou County Climate Summit, NS

South Shore Sustainability Summit, NS

September 23, 2023:
Nova Scotia Community College: Bridgewater Campus

We are at capacity for Registration that includes lunch. 

You are still welcome to come to any or all of the presentations and discussions throughout the day, but lunch for registrants is full. 

New Brunswick North, NB

More information to come!

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